IR Proximity Sensor Module :-

The IR proximity sensor module is based around the TSOP sensor, commonly used in TV remote receivers. This module is able to detect objects at a distance of 5cm to 15cm. The maximum detectable distance varies in accordance with the color and texture of the object. For example, a white object can be easily detected from a distance of 15cm while a black object would be detectable from a maximum distance of 5cm.

Tuning the obstacle detection module:-

You need the power supply/battery, controller board, IR proximity sensor module and a screw driver.

The sensors can be tuned so as to change the maximum detectable distance. This can be varied by changing the intensity of the IR emitter.

Step 1: Connect you module to one of the sensor port on the iBot controller. Refer the adjoining figure for reference.

Step 2: Turn on the power supply of your iBot controller.

Step 3: With the help of a screw driver, turn the potentiometer in such a way that the indicator LED just turns off. (if its already turned off, skip this step)

Step 4: Place an object (non-black) in front of the module at a distance of about 10cm and turn the potentiometer such that the indicator LED just lights up. This step makes sure that the same object would always be detected at a maximum distance of 10cm.

Similarly, you could move the object and turn your potentiometer to achieve an optimum distance.


Operating Voltage: 5Volts

Current Consumption: xxmA

Detectable distance: 5cm to 15cm

NOTE: IR light is invisible to the human eye but digital cameras like webcams or cell-phone cameras are capable of detecting it. Point your camera towards the IR emitter (while turned on) and see for yourself! This is a very handy debugging tool.

Source :- Tri Bot


Manan Saini...